Lesson 24



I want to welcome you today to month 6 and this is week 4 where we summarize the contents for the whole of the month.

It’s been devoted this whole month to the gifts, all the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues. The bible says we may speak with the tongues of men or angels and I have known very many different experiences of speaking in tongues and I want to try and communicate in this month. I want you to take away in this month the fact that when you speak in tongues it should not be the normal tongue that you are speaking every time but you can deliberately play with it you can create languages because that is what God says they began to speak and then the Holy Spirit cooperated and he gave the utterance he gave the languages.

There are many dimensions to this and it really is a very fundamental way, if you like that I believe the church has lost, that leads us into understanding the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Some people talk about tongues as if they were the least of all the gifts but it really is not, that is not true because Paul said I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than you all.

One of the purposes of speaking in tongues is to build the  wall of your spirit up so that it’s not like a city that walls are broken down, that spirits appear in the form of slithering snakes and crawling and grab hold of you but you have walls that keeps these marauders outside of yourself and you build yourself up in the Holy faith as the Bible says.

So the more you speak in tongues the stronger your spirit gets and this is really important because God wants to communicate to our spirits mainly. It seems like it comes to our heads and our minds when we’re first starting but in actual fact God wants to lead us by the Spirit and Jesus said out of your innermost being shall flow. So that is where the spirit really lies if you liken it within our bodies, they’re deep inside us and God communicates spirit to spirit so that we move that I can be renewed in the spirit of my mind, the more that I speak in tongues, the more my natural mind is going to receive a message, that not everything I know is the whole truth. But here is a phenomenon that’s taking place that I can’t understand but I know that it’s real and I know that I’m communicating with God simply because the presence of God comes.

That I have different tongues, that I have different experiences in using those tongues. Sometimes it’s in intercessions, sometimes it’s praise, sometimes it’s worship, sometimes it’s warfare. That I do not control, that God controls.

So from the rest of the course onwards I would really like you to form a habit if you like of trying to speak in tongues as much as you can. Should you be going in the car and in a journey and you’re alone, switch on tongues, speak in tongues to yourself. Should you have an extended quiet time where time of worshipping God, enter into his presence with praise and thanksgiving and then let the tongues flow and I believe that it will cause your spirit to be built at very rapidly that you will hear from God much clearer than ever before and we can really start to be effective in the Kingdom of God. In month 7 we will be continuing with the gifts of the spirit.


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Lesson 23

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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 22

Welcome to month 6 and week 2 where I share my experiences particularly with speaking in tongues

I want to welcome you back to month 6 and the gifts of the spirit week 2 and here are my comments on the Holy Spirit.

Manifestations of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians chapter 12, Paul talks about concerning spiritual gifts and that gift is in italics because it’s not really a gift but a manifestation.

And concerning spiritual manifestations brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant, and then he states the obvious and says, “if you have the Holy Spirit, you will not say Jesus is cursed and if you have the Holy Spirit, it enables you to say Jesus is Lord.”

But it also goes on to say there are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit. Therefore I believe the Holy Spirit is the true gift and the manifestations are broken down into three groups. The first three groups are the audible groups, the vocal groups, and these are the ones that in my opinion we initiate, we control.

We control whether we speak in tongues or not because in the book of Acts it says, “they began to speak as the Holy Spirit gave the utterance.” The Holy Spirit gives the unction to do it, but they did the beginning to speak. They had to put a sound in their voice box otherwise no sound would have come out.

You can’t speak words unless you put the sound in your voice box first and speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy are the three vocal groups. I’m going to be dealing with prophecy in a separate video which will follow this one. So this particular time I want to concentrate in speaking in tongues and interpretation of those tongues.

Most people as I travel all over the world in bible schools, in colleges, in churches, most people who are being baptized in the spirit for any length of time probably, well over 60-70 % always start with the letter S or the letter K. I joked about it that they either start with something that sounds like Susuki or if they don’t do that then it’s Kamasaki.

I don’t know why this phenomenon takes place but I do know that after you always speak in tongues starting with the same letter you get familiar with it and then it no longer flows in your spirit but it comes from your mind, from your understanding, from your memory.

Therefore you do not get the blessing of speaking in tongues.

One exercise that I have found is that if I find that I start with letter s, I would deliberately start with a letter t, and then you have a different sound that has to come out.

In the whole thing of speaking in tongues there are diverse kinds of tongues, if you always start with the same letter, you get the same word, you get the same pattern, you get the same sounding, you get the same type of language always coming. And once it stopped flowing from your depths of your spirit it’s not really edifying you, it’s an exercise. And that might explain why most people charismatic or Pentecostal churches today there’s very little times that you hear a message in tongues, followed by the interpretation.

And that is true almost globally as I travel throughout the world. If you start with a different letter, you had a chance of a totally different language coming out. But you also, once you learned that you control it, you can form your mouth into different formations so that you don’t think like all the sentences are the same, but you open your mouth wide and you feel like I am speaking words that are meaningful and it just becomes a totally different experience.

When I’m speaking in tongues sometimes it is just praise and adoration to God. On other occasions, it’s intercession, I feel the burden inside and I pray in tongues because I do not know the proper way to pray in English that is my normal language. Sometimes I pray in tongues and I find myself getting really angry or violent and if I’m going to war, I am doing spiritual warfare with my tongues so that you got various kinds of tongues, you have worship tongues, you have praise tongues, you have intercessory tongues, you have warfare tongues.

This is a very powerful weapon when you get into a situation and you do not know how to pray, pray in the spirit and with your understanding. If you don’t understand then pray in the spirit but don’t just keep the letters or the letter k experiment with it. When there is nobody around you just start to put different sounds in it. If you’re driving in the car somewhere use the time to speak in tongues because as the Bible says if you speak in tongues, you build up your spirit, if you build up your spirit you become a stronger believer.

Rosemary wrote a message a long time ago and she uses this very often, you’ve got a fanatic that lives in the attic or in your head and you have a” feller ” that lives in the cellar or in your spirit. When you speak in tongues the word comes from your spirit and it comes up into your voice box out of your mouth without going to the fanatic in the attic.

This enables you to be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Once you are renewed in the spirit of your mind then you will discover that you hear God’s voice and there will not be a problem to hear. God can communicate to you because it bypasses the logical fanatic in the attic that is in your head, that is constantly asking you, “is this reasonable, is this right?” That is all I want to say about the gifts of tongues at the moment.

Let us now flow on into interpretation of those tongues. I want you to notice it doesn’t say a translation of those tongues. It is an interpretation of those tongues. I was once teaching in a Bible school in Sweden and I was encouraging people to give a message , so that after I speak in tongues, and then I would pick on somebody else and say, “Would you give me an interpretation?” I can do this because the bible says if anyone speaks in an unknown tongue pray that you may interpret.

Now if it was God’s sovereign’s choice who interpreted He would not say that you may interpret. And so rather than Christians praying that they do not want to interpret because they do not want to be put in the spot, or want to be tested, We have the choice of praying that we may interpret and when we do this, it is really exciting because those patterns come into your mind, rather than hearing God’s voice and you suddenly have a few thoughts that enter into your mind or your understanding and you don’t know where those thoughts came from..

So, I was in Sweden a long time ago now, but I was speaking in a Bible school, a charismatic bible school, and I was trying to encourage them and teach them how to live in the Holy Spirit, so I picked on a student and I said, “Are you baptized in the spirit? Do you have the ability to speak in tongues?” He said, “Yes I do.” So I said alright I want you to give a message in tongues but I want you to start with the letter L, He said, I’ve never done this before.. So I said well do it now and so he started with a letter L and he was so shocked because it was like he was speaking a different language, the intonations were different, the words were different than he ever had spoken before.

Then I picked on another bible school student and told them that you can do this! Give me an interpretation When you’re the bible school professor for the actual day or hour you are in charge. I said, “Now you give the interpretation ” and the man said I think I have something. So I said alright share it and let’s see. And he said “As the Lord surrounds Jerusalem I will put a fire around my people and protect them in every situation,” says the Lord.

Well there was a lady in the course and she said well I don’t understand she said, I prayed for the interpretation and I have a different interpretation. So I said alright what did you receive t then?

She continued “Even as a mother hen gathers her chicks and they are safe under her wings , the Lord will keep her safe.” And I said well what is the difference? God spoke through a man in a manly way, God speaks through a female in a female type language but it means the same.

It is not a translation of those tongues it can be but that is very, very rare. It is normally an interpretation of those tongues.

Helping you to come in to the experience and fulfill your destiny.


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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 21

Hi.  I’m excited to welcome you to month 6 of this course and in this month  we are going to be talking about the Gifts of the Spirit,

Therefore, I want you to read three chapters of the bible and study and pray over them, because this is probably one of the most exciting months until we get into the really good stuff of the open heavens and all the rest of it, but read, pray over and meditate on 1 Corinthians chapter 12, Chapter 13 and Chapter 14.

You don’t have to agree with me about my comments in Chapter 12 but I would be very interested in your understanding of it. I believe basically that there is one Gift, that gift is the Gift of the Holy Spirit Himself and He can manifest himself in any of nine ways, as Paul has laid out in current terms called the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I believe there are nine manifestation of the One Spirit. If you believe this, you will think ,  I’m not limited to a particular gifting,  I am not limited to One Gift but as I want to represent Jesus upon the earth and as I want to meet people’s needs like He did, I can access the manifestation of the Holy Spirit that I really need in this situation.

Too often I see prophets who prophesy over people that they will be healed ,this unfortunately is like a spiritual curse. It puts it into the future into people’s minds at a certain day, I know I will be healed. Whereas in Truth and in God’s Word it says by ” His wounds we were healed, by His strife we were healed”.

In 1 Corinthians Chapter 12, Paul speaks about he doesn’t want us to be ignorant of these things, he wants us to understand that the gifts of the spirits are for us. I believe that even though there are diversities of gifts, there are many different ways in which the gift will be manifested. There is only one gift, the Holy Spirit and He can or may or will manifest Himself not only through us,  but also through our personality.

If you are an extrovert, it will come in an extrovert way. If you have an introverted personality  it will come in an introvert way, but the Holy Spirit can still flow in each and every one of you. So just bear that in mind  that God is not going to change your personality that much possibly but He wants to flow through it and He can use us in any way that He wants.

It is my belief that there are three gifts of the Holy Spirit that God has placed in the control of man. These are the vocal gifts the speaking in tongues, the interpretation, and prophecy, The remaining six gifts are , three of revelation and three of power , There is  nowhere  in the scriptures any explanation as to  how the Holy Spirit manifest Himself to show us how we access these specific gifts.

However in this course and in this month, we are going to take an in-depth look at these  core subjects and we are  going to break them  down and I am  going to show you, how you can access these  nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, or these  nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

You are going to have fun and you are going to grow in this month in particular. So I would like you to read 1 Corinthians 12 chapter 13, and chapter 14. In chapter 13, you will find it’s the love chapter and it’s the love for people and it’s the love for God that will get you past the fear of stepping out with possibility of being wrong or possibility of being misunderstood, the possibility of even being thought a freak.

This will take you beyond the fear, that is in the front of the Gifts of the Spirit and help you to flow in them,  in order to be a blessing.

In Chapter 14, it tells us particularly these spiritual gifts. In the original King James it said, covet earnestly the best gifts!

If you do not  have the desire to flow in these gifts, you never will. But if you have a desire to flow in them, we can take you, in this month from the theory into the reality,  and show you how they work and how do you can work at these gifts.

So your study for this week of month 6 is read, pray over, think about and write down in the Forum your thoughts about Chapter 12 and then continue to chapter 13 and go into Chapter 14 where you will see God really wants to anoint every member of the body. No part of the body can say I have no need of you, every part is needed and every part will function in slightly different way. So what I want you to do, is to read  these chapters and then next week I will share all the good stuff that God has shown me about these three chapters.

Helping you to fulfill your destiny.



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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 20

Here is my summary of month 5.

I want to welcome you to month 5 week 4 and this is the summary of the whole month

Here are the principles that I want you to take away, these are the points that I want you to take away for this month.

We’re starting to get into the practical aspects now and really learning how God uses this and how we can be and how God speaks and everything. So I want you to take away from this month that God really does speak in many different ways and we have to think outside of the box because just when we think we know how God speaks through us and how we got it all worked out, then we find that God changes it and He will speaking in a different way.

When I first started, God has giving me words of knowledge with regards to sickness and then occasionally I will go further in it and then God will give me people’s names and if He didn’t give me people’s names He would tell me other aspects which has nothing to do with the healing. So when God communicates he communicates in a way he chooses to and we have to recognize it even when it comes in a new way. I hope we’ve also learned that God can use us whether we feel confident or not confident.

In the scriptures, the only person that God will not walk with, that God does not like, He does not bless is the person who gets into pride. SO therefore we have to guard this we have to guard ourselves we have to guard our hearts and just to make sure that we do not get into pride on some of the results that we see. We have to, at the end of the day, we have to give God all the glory and we give God and thanks for using us even though we’re imperfect. If we stay like this, we will have longevity and the healing anointing and healing ministry will sustain the test of time.

If we get into pride then God just leaves us, He thinks, well if you can do it yourself get on with that! But there is nothing that God will do to humble us, the Bible says, “Humble yourselves under the hand of God.” So provided that we have a healthy respect for God and we have a healthy respect for our own infirmities and frailties then that should not prevent us from stepping out in the supernatural in the future.

Thirdly, we have to watch out for the giants that are in the land. Fear will come against us, discouragement will come against us, dismay will come against us and we have to basically hit them in the head like other giants that were defeated by David, like Goliath against David. He took a stone, he threw it at Goliath, it hit Goliath in the head. This is where the battle is for us, it is in our heads and we have to learn to stop being afraid and stop being discouraged and stop being dismayed and don’t respond to the giants from the enemies, respond by pressing into God by going deeper into praise, deeper into worship and being more determined in our spirit that we are going to see the kingdom of God come, we are going to see signs and wonders in our lifetime and through our hands. These are some of the points I want you to take away from month 5 and in month 6 we will be having a really good look into the the gifts of the Holy Spirit, How God divides them, how God operates through them, what they mean to us and how God can use us to operate in this wonderful exciting realm.

Looking forward to month 6 and sharing with you and I trust this will help you to fulfill our destiny.

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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 19

I want to welcome you to month 5 and week 3.

And so in the first couple of weeks I’ve taught and shared about the miracles of God in my life and the attitudes that I’ve had, the various feelings I’ve felt ,and the type of healings that have taken place.

For this week,  I would like you to write in the Forum, any stories that you have about healings, that have surprised you.  How God speaks to you and how do you feel sometimes as you pray for the sick?

This will really be a blessing to a lot of people, because so many people feel, well if I had a failure then I’m a failure, if it doesn’t work I don’t know what to do!!!

You must remember that in the Book of Joshua. It talks about Joshua was called to lead the people into the Promised Land and there were 3 giants there. They were to  be not afraid, be not discouraged, be not dismayed and from that point of view those are the 3 giants that everybody faces who wants to move into the supernatural realm,  You will start off and you’re a little bit afraid. The 2nd thing that comes is you get discouraged when you don’t get the result that you expected. And the 3rd thing is you could really get dismayed because it’s not working for you and you lose confidence.

This is the trick of the devil to keep you in the wilderness and out from the Promised Land I’ll just encourage you this week to share your stories, to share your journey with people in the Forum so we could all learn we can find out how God has used you when you thought He couldn’t and He shouldn’t. And we can share experiences together as we grow and I hope this could help you fulfill your destiny.

I am looking forward to reading the Forum and commenting on it and I’m expecting to have great results of this week, so God bless you.


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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 18

Welcome to month 5 and week 2. And at this time as we’re changing the format a little bit. I thought I would like to share with you some of the ways that God has spoken to me and some of the ways that God has worked healings and miracles through my life.

My very first miracle that I was personally involved in was on the first day that I when went out to serve the lord in 1969 and it was the 19th of March, 1969!

That was the day that I started my journey with the Holy Spirit and with God and I had a simple job to do.  I had to drive an evangelist from my church to London airport and then take a lady that was also in the car, To Gerrards Cross to a friend.

It turned out that this lady was a Catholic lady and her friend was a Baptist. Going back to 1969 I was rather surprised that those 2 were friends. But anyway, I drove out to the house and I was invited in, of course, and brought some tea and chocolate biscuits and as I was sitting there drinking the tea, they asked me some questions like, what are you doing with your life?

Well at that time I was stammering very profusely and it was very difficult to say 1 or 2 words and yet I knew that God had  called me to be a preacher. And so I stammered in an embarrassing way, that I was go-go-go-going to-to-to be a p-p-preacher and they really looked at me in a strange way and said, “We will pray over you and maybe God will give you some common sense if you speak like this it’s going to be very hard to be a preacher.”

So I got on my knees and they laid hands on me and it was though I heard a voice in my stomach that’s the best way I can describe it. It was almost audible, I heard a voice and it said. One of these ladies has a kidney problem and I want you to pray for them.  At school I specialized in languages, so I had no science background then whatsoever, and I really didn’t know where the kidneys were in the body or what their function was.

I know that it sounded ridiculous, but it is the truth and I also thought that I’m working for God now and if I ever wanted to be paid or salary or anything I’d better be obedient to God and even though I was stammering, I stammered out o-o-one of you 2 ladies has a kidney problem and then I waited because I couldn’t see that they had a kidney problem.

I just heard this voice inside, this assurance, speak to me, almost audibly but inside my stomach and it was one of these ladies has a got a kidney problem. Fortunately, I didn’t realize how serious it was and in that viewpoint I could pray but then  one of the ladies put her hands up and it turned out to be the Catholic lady, and I knew that the being a Catholic had a belief in healing anyway even if she  didn’t see healing  very much.

So, I was encouraged by that, and then I started to pray. Well I really wasn’t sure how to pray, whether to take authority over the problem, or to ask God to heal it in the spirit or do something. So I prayed all of the above I cast in, I cast out, I prayed in the name of Jesus, I pleaded to God, I prayed  for the Holy Spirit to heal and frankly I didn’t feel very much, no  lightning going down my arms through my fingers or anything. But I opened my eyes after the prayer the Baptist lady’s mouth dropped open and her Catholic friend lying on the ground. Now I realized that she was  under the power of God but at that time,  I wasn’t sure if she fainted or died.

At this point I had no explanations so I picked up my raincoat that you always carry when you are in England, and I went out to the front door, went to the car and drove off to my first preaching engagement which was in South London. That was the first miracle that I ever saw. There was another very significant one a little later on it was a Jewish man who came to the house group meeting where I was sharing. I was talking from the old testament, strictly talking from the book of Isaiah chapter 53 and how it portrayed 700 years before Christ, what Christ was trying to do on his journey to the cross and at the cross and by those stripes we were healed. Well this particular men had great spinal pain.  He had been tortured by the Germans. He had been captured by the Germans during the second world war and then  been tortured, tied  by four ropes bound and stretched until his spinal column broke and he was  in great pain since the war.

When I explained that Jesus took our pains, carried our infirmities in His body so that we didn’t have to carry them. he allowed me to pray for him.

Because he was Jewish I was reaching out to the Lord and saying, “Lord you really want to heal this man.” And I felt compassion come out in my heart, come out from  my stomach and it rose up into my chest and I just felt how much the Lord loved this man. And so in spite of the seriousness of the illness, of the problem, it wasn’t an illness really it was pain for having his spinal column damaged and vertebrae crushed and stretched and everything. I prayed for him and I felt the Holy Spirit flow into his body and he smiled and said that he was now free of pain.

The very next day he flew from London to Buenos Aires I think it was about the 13 or 14-hour flight and for the first time in his life,  after the war he had no pain,all the way through that aircraft journey.

I hope that these stories bless you and I am going to include 2 to 3 more on the next video.

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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 17

– Hearing God’s Voice – week1

We are changing the format this month and I will be sharing on “How to hear from God”


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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 16

Here are the principles to be taken from this month

Well it’s the time to summarize the whole of Month 4.

Month 4 has been about Genesis 1,2, and 3 and the tree of knowledge that produces two fruit, the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil, the knowledge of bad.

Gods wants us to live on His miraculous realm, totally depending on His provision for us. His provisions comes to us by the tree of life, God says you should live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. The tree of knowledge is what everybody’s been feeding on, in our pre Christian life .

The tree of knowledge is a wonderful thing that produces the knowledge of good, but also the knowledge of bad. Unfortunately God said to us, “Do not feed on this tree”. So in our relationship with God, we have to come to God as a little child, we have to come to God and listen to his words and believe what He says to us.

I’m expecting to read great testimonies from all of you and if you finally got something that seems very ordinary to you, still post it in the Forum because that Forum will be a blessing to somebody that’s on the course.

Everybody will have a different story. Over 43 years I have gathered many, many, many stories with regards to healing; the Tree of Knowledge is what you get when you go to the doctors. The doctors diagnose the problem, they say “well according to the tree of knowledge you have diabetes, you have cancer, you have this, you have the other”.

But the tree of Life is God’s words and God’s Word says, “I’ve made a provision to totally heal you by My wounds, and by My stripes, you were healed”. So now we have to eat from different tree. The Tree of Life!!

When Adam and Eve ate the apple or whatever food it was, they chewed on it, and it went down inside of them. And I want you to realize it stopped being an apple when it got into their stomach and it started to become one with Adam and Eve. The more we think of “BY HIS STRIPES, I am healed, the more we think of Jesus, the more we think about Jesus shedding drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, the more we will see, mental and physical healing, the more brain damage we will see healed, the more physical illness we will see healed, because God is watching over His Word to perform it.

When the Word is meditated on by us that means we just don’t put it on a shelf to look at or on a refrigerator door, but we put it in our mouths and we feed on it like bread then we shall see it transforming us.

Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, we feed on it, we eat it, we digest it and it becomes half one with our flesh, health to all of our flesh.

There were so many tests on the tree of knowledge of good and evil versus the tree of life, I shared last week about the car that would not go. Subsequently, God spoke to me very clearly and He told me I want you to go to this conference, we had no money, I searched every pocket in my jacket, my closets, my clothes, everywhere to find money – there was none but we were going!!!

God asked us to go, so we packed in readiness and we were going. Then what happened was that somebody came to the door to pick us up, we had no car, and they said “Are you ready”? At that moment God spoke to me go and look in your jacket pocket and I said to the Lord”

I’ve already looked” and because I was learning, and because He was gentle with me, and He said, “Go and look again”. When I looked this time there was the money to pay for the conference, there wasn’t any thing for the offering, we didn’t give an offering, there was nothing over but the exact fee for the conference, was in there, was in my jacket pocket.

I know that that money was supernaturally provided. Since that time, I believed in Christ’s miracles. This is where you will be, if you really want to move into the realm of supernatural. God allows crises, in the sense that He can produce miracles that stimulate our faith and increase our potential usage to God. God bless you. God bless people.

God wants to demonstrate to people, through you and through me. So the Tree of Life, every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, is the last one that I want you to take away at the end of month 4.

We will be getting into a more and more exciting path in the future months. But I really need you to think, meditate and be determined to live as much as possible from the Tree of Llfe rather than the Tree of Knowledge.

Helping you to fulfill your destiny.

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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny

Lesson 15

Here are the practical applications from this month’s passages.

Well here we are on month 4 and week 3 and a part from the advice that I want you to share with you in the first video here is the task for the second video that you will be watching. I really want you to think back and think of the first time that you lived by the tree of life rather than the tree of knowledge. If you have testimonies that you composed about how God provided for you out of nothing, how God caused the washing machine or something that is broken down to start working the moment you laid hands on it. Something that defies the laws of nature, that indicates that in the past we’ve been able to feed of the tree of life. Jesus described the tree of life as every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And during this course we will be going into how he heard God’s words, how God speaks and in John Chapter 5 the secret to Jesus was anointing was I alone myself can do nothing but as my father speaks or as my father shows me, I can do everything. This is the journey that you have embarked. So if you have any stories and testimonies of how God has met your needs, how God has spoken to you and it defies the laws of nature it doesn’t come from the tree of knowledge, it comes from the tree of life, please post this in the testimonies box in the form show it so a lot of people can grow and be blessed and have their faith in God. And just to give you one example that goes back to me I’ve been in the ministry just about 2 or 3 days and I was driving home from my first preaching assignment in 1969 and I ran out of gas, I ran out of petrol, I ran out of engine or whatever as they call it. The car seized in the middle of the highway. I panicked, because I knew God could do miracles, I wasn’t sure he would do one for me at that time, after all I was just beginning and I don’t know very much but I did know that God has called me to do this and I tried to be faithful. I’ve spoken a small house group, they obviously, they didn’t think in terms of offering, I had no money so I had no way of buying any replacement fuel. I ran out of that 70miles or 100km from home and it was, and the car did stop from a very busy high way. The first thing I do is get out of the car and stand there wandering what to do  and hoping that somebody would come along who might recognize me and stop. I don’t know why I talk like this but this is my full process. Nobody really knew me those days anyway, so it was highly unlikely. I heard the spirit speak to me as I was standing and said, “What are you doing”? Standing by the car as you can see, hoping that somebody would come along who knows me. And the Holy Spirit said very quietly and gently, “Who knows you? Get in the car”. So I got in the car and then God said, “Do you believe this car can start without any fuel if I want it to?” And I said, “Yes of course if you want it to, Lord”. So he said, “Take your glove off and put it across the dashboard of the car so you cannot that you don’t have fuel”. I did this feeling rather stupid but I was alone, so it’s alright nobody could see me. I put my glove across the dashboard and then he said, “Start the car”. I started it the first time and it just went “ka”, that was the engine did not turn over there was no fuel. I did it the second time and it was still what I heard and he said, “You don’t really think that this car is going to start do you”? And I said, I didn’t until you spoke now I know that it will. I switched the engine off again and then I turned the keys and started it again and the engine started to roar into life. I drove 70 miles to my house with no fuel and I was praising God speaking in tongue, singing in spirit all the way because I feel that if I stop maybe God will cause the fuel to stop. And so God heard 70 miles of worship, 70 miles of fellowship but I learned that if you do not live by the tree of knowledge of good or bad that all things work together for good but God is my provider and that God is a miracle working God and if I feed of  the right tree he will work miracles for me. I am so looking forward to viewing and reading your testimonies and if you have any questions don’t forget, you can contact me direct and I will answer you from in this phase of my ministry, you are my main focus. I want pour my life into you and be available to you as much as I can. Helping you to fulfil your destiny God Bless you.

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Helping YOU to fulfill your destiny